⚠ AMBER ALERT ⚠ Baby Santana

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Missing Since: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 – 11:45am
Missing From: 2601 E. Roosevelt Street PhoenixAZ 85008 United States
Current Age: 5 day
Gender: Male
Race: Hispanic or Latino
Eye Color: Unknown
Hair Color: Unknown
Current Height: Unknown
Current Weight: 9 lbs.
Rosa Maria Santana
Suspect Image:
Alert Description:
Baby Santana was last seen at Valley wise Medical Health Center at 2601 E. Roosevelt Street in Phoenix, AZ. Baby Santana is a 5-day old male infant with an attached feeding tube. He was last seen wearing an unknown clothing description and is in need of life saving medical treatment. Authorities say that the newborn child may be in the company of Rosa Santana, his mother. She is 5 foot 2 inches tall, 115 pounds, brown hair with brown eyes. Santana was last seen wearing a dark shirt, dark pants, and carrying a black duffle bag. On 07/12/2023 at approximately 1145 hours, Rosa Santana was last seen leaving the hospital at 24th Street and Roosevelt Street with her newborn baby in the duffle bag. Please contact 911 if you have any information.
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