After Record-Breaking Snow, Coconino County Roads Will Remain Hazardous Through Weekend

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FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — Much of Coconino County continues to be under a Winter Storm Warning by the National Weather Service (NWS) office in Flagstaff. The Arizona Department of Transportation reports many state routes and interstates have now reopened, but hazardous road conditions may persist.

“We’ve believe we’ve seen the worst of it, for now at least,” said Coconino County Manager Steve Peru. “We understand our communities have withstood one of the worst winter storm seasons in history. Our public safety agencies are working around the clock to assist the public to the greatest extent possible.”

The forecast for the weekend promises the return of sunshine and slightly higher temperatures, the reprieve is greatly needed to make headway on clearing hundreds of miles of county roads.

The County Public Works Department continues to plow and maintain hundreds of miles of county roads. Public Works staff are asking the public to please reduce driving over the weekend and move cars off of streets into driveways so they have the greatest leeway for storm recovery. Public Works community relations staff are available weekdays during business hours at (928) 679-8300 for urgent requests. Frequently asked questions about County roads and snow removal priorities can be found online at

With record-breaking snow amounts, the Winter recreation season in Northern Arizona should last several more weeks. Those looking to travel to Coconino County for winter recreation should consider delaying until after this weekend to allow time for proper road cleanup and snow removal.

Coconino County Storm Information
Snow Removal Information
County Twitter
Emergency Management Twitter
Public Works: (928) 679- 8300 from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Arizona Department of Transportation
ADOT Traveler Information and Closures
ADOT Twitter

National Weather Service
Local Forecast and Alerts
NWS Twitter

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