FD Responding to House Fire in Doney Park

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3:11 PM Summit Fire Department and Flagstaff Fire Department are responding to a home in the 8100 block of Moseley Dr in Doney Park for a house on fire. UPDATE 3:12 PM: The first engine on the scene is reporting smoke coming from the base and top of a chimney in a building to the rear of the main structure. Hose lines are being set up. The fire appears to be in the attic at this time. Evacuations complete. UPDATE 3:15 PM: Several engine companies are now on the scene from both agencies. Incident command has been established. Offensive attack mode. Updates to follow. UPDATE 3:16 PM All occupants are confirmed to have evacuated. Fire crews are now attacking the fire from inside and outside the structure. UPDATE: 3:30 PM A Fire investigator has been dispatched to the scene. crews making good knockdown of the fire. No other structures are threatened, no injuries.

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