FREE POST: Coconino County Residents Invited to Help Shape the Future of Fort Tuthill Park

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FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — Coconino County invites residents to attend community open houses on Friday, November 8, and Saturday, November 9, to provide input on the future of Fort Tuthill County Park.

Design plans for the park’s 10-year Master Plan Update will be presented by Wheat Design Group, a Tucson-based landscape architecture firm, at the open houses. Residents can drop by the Flagstaff City–Coconino County Public Library at 300 W. Aspen Avenue in Flagstaff to view and comment on the plans at these times:

  • Friday, November 8: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, November 9: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Community feedback is a vital part of the planning process, which has already included a community meeting, stakeholder sessions, and an online survey with 570 responses. Wheat Design Group is a member of the team commissioned by Coconino County to oversee the development of the ten-year master plan update for Fort Tuthill County Park. Dr. Fred Solop and Dr. Nancy Wonders of GlobaLocal Vision, a local research firm, are leading the master plan process.

“Fort Tuthill County Park is a very special part of our county park system,” said Cynthia Nemeth, Director of Parks and Recreation for Coconino County. “We encourage everyone to attend the design open houses to help shape the future of Fort Tuthill.”

For more information or questions about the Fort Tuthill Master Plan Update, contact GlobaLocal Vision at (928) 275-1680 or email

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