Incident Update from the U-Pick-It Fire on Leupp Road

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From Summit Fire and Medical:
Incident Update from the U-Pick-It Fire on Leupp Road: SFMD units have been rotating throughout the last 3 days to confront this complex incident. While traditional fires tend to be controlled immediately, fires involving large amounts of metals, oils, and other non-organic materials can burn for unprecedented lengths of time, even with Fire Department intervention.
On scene priorities include minimizing smoke impacts to nearby residents, minimizing water run off from the site, and continuing to deliver the same level of service to the rest of our District. There is no reliable time table on the conclusion of this fire due to the large volume of materials involved and the limited water supply in the area, however SFMD and U-Pick-It (with a huge amount of support from Coconino County Emergency Management) are working diligently together to bring this incident to a close as quickly and safely as possible.
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