PRESS REEASE: Announcement Regarding the Rural County Alternative Prosecution and Diversion Grant Program

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The Coconino County Attorney’s Office, in partnership with Coconino County Health and Human Services (CCHHS), is pleased to announce the awarding of $2.1 million by the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission as part of the Rural County Alternative Prosecution and Diversion Grant Program. This funding will be used to support Phase I of a data-driven intervention project which will focus on reducing the occurrence of criminal behavior while also combatting recidivism in our community.

As part of Phase I, our partnership will begin collecting and processing data to identify social determinates of criminogenic behavior across several communities within Coconino County, with a focus on Health as a determining factor.

County Attorney Ring states that “I am optimistic that this data collection will help guide the criminal justice system. Identifying risk factors that could lead to criminal behavior, along with those that contribute to recidivism, will enable us to create a safer community by developing solutions that support our most important asset: the citizens of Coconino County.”

“CCHHS is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of all of our residents and our communities,” CCHHS Director Kim Musselman added. “We are excited about this partnership which will provide data driven guidance to improve our resident’s wellbeing and address the factors contributing to criminal justice involvement.”

The grant will be dispersed in multiple installments, beginning on December 1, 2022, and concluding on November 30, 2025.

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