PRESS RELEASE: Christmas Day Structure Fire in Doney Park

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On December 25th, 2022, SFMD Engine 32, Engine 31, Flagstaff Fire Rescue 3 and SFMD Battalion 30 responded to the report of a possible structure fire in Doney Park. On arrival, Engine 32 identified that it was a large, chicken-coop style structure fully engulfed in flame. E32 quickly suppressed the fire, but unfortunately, the coop was a total loss. Thankfully, no livestock were harmed.
The owner confirmed that they had been using a heat lamp inside of their coop prior to ignition. While the official cause is undetermined, heat lamps have proven to be extremely dangerous in chicken coops over the last few years, being the cause of several structure fires in our District. SFMD recommends using alternative heat sources other than heat lamps, which are generally not recommended for use in coops due to the large amount of combustible materials within.
Have a safe New Year.
Courtesy: Summit Fire and Medical
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