The Coconino County Flood Control District would like to re-emphasize the urgency of proper and timely flood mitigation in the Doney Park neighborhood and would like to invite residents to a community meeting Thursday, July 14 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Cromer Elementary School Gym.
At this meeting, flood mitigation efforts will be discussed that will be of great benefit to individual property owners. Recommended Mitigation Exhibits will be on display and residents will have the opportunity to ask questions of District staff and their Engineering Consultants.
One point of emphasis to be discussed at the meeting is the realization that due to the recent Pipeline and Tunnel wildfires the natural landscape north of Flagstaff has been altered in a way that dangerous and damaging flooding is now a very real possibility in neighborhoods that, previously, faced little to no hazard.
The District will continue to work diligently with its non-profit partners to fill and place sandbags for those that are elderly or disabled in areas with the highest priority. Groups and individuals interested in volunteering should register with the United Way of Northern Arizona online in advance at: https://uwna.volunteerhub.com/
Once again Thursday night’s community meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. inside the gym at Cromer Elementary School, 7150 Silver Saddle Rd in Doney Park. It will not be live streamed, however a complete recording will be available on the Coconino County YouTube channel soon after, https://www.youtube.com/user/coconinocnty