PRESS RELEASE: Public Works Begins Filling Underwater Potholes at Flooded Herold Ranch Road – Rio de Flag Crossing

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FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — Coconino County Public Works crews have begun filling still-submerged potholes in the flooded Rio de Flag crossing on Herold Ranch Road. The crossing, which has been flooded for several weeks, has severely hampered ingress and egress for County and City residents living on the east side of the wash.

Public Works has been monitoring the Herold Ranch Road crossing daily since snowmelt runoff from northern Arizona’s record-setting winter began flooding the Rio de Flag last month. Floodwater velocity, coupled with the flow depth, has prevented the department from filling underwater potholes at the crossing until now.

“This is our first feasible opportunity to attempt adding material to these potholes,” said Christopher Tressler, County Engineer and Director of Coconino County Public Works. “Our team has been checking [floodwater] conditions in the wash several times a day over the last week to determine when they can best see and safely fill the potholes, which has been especially challenging since water velocity and depth change significantly throughout the day.”

Crews are using loaders to place 1- to 3.5-inch river rock in the potholes. Due to limited visibility, they also need this equipment to move the rocks around to fill the potholes as completely as possible.

The project is being closely monitored to determine its efficacy, including how well the rocks stay in place. “Our goal is to fill the potholes at the crossing to provide residents with better and safer drivability through the wash until more permanent repairs can be implemented,” said Tressler. “Still, we need to remain cognizant of the fact that, if washed away in sufficient quantities, these rocks could create adverse impacts downstream.”

The pothole filling project will continue until floodwater recedes in the wash, which will allow Public Works to implement repairs. The department also is placing advisory signage in the area alerting motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists to exercise caution when traveling through the Herold Ranch Road/Rio de Flag crossing area.

For more information about the status of flood-impacted County roads please visit

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