VALLEY VISITORS: Delay travel for safety and possible road and highway closures

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FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — The National Weather Service is forecasting two snowstorms in Northern Arizona. The first storm will be Today, followed by a lull and then another substantial storm Monday and into Wednesday.

In areas above 6,500’ – such as Flagstaff and Williams – snowfall could reach 24” to 28”. Freezing temperatures and blowing winds of 25-45 mph will create more hazards.

Coconino County snowplows will be on duty 24/7 plowing priority roadways that lead to hospitals and schools, followed by major arterials, and then side streets.

Travel – Only if you must.

Those planning to travel, especially on Interstate 40 and Interstate 17 heading to Flagstaff, must make sure to be prepared for slow traffic and possible road closures.

Adjust your speed to conditions. Slowing down and leaving space between your vehicle and vehicles ahead of you on icy or wet roads can prevent crashes or keep your vehicle from skidding when conditions are slippery.

Travelers must not stop or park next to highways, including I-17, I-40, US 180, SR 260, or others, to play in the snow. Doing so is dangerous and can block areas that emergency response vehicles need to use.

Prepare Your Car

Winter storm conditions, chains and/or four-wheel drive vehicle capability are likely to be recommended on some highways impacted by snow or ice.

Have an emergency car kit packed and in your car. The Arizona Emergency Information Network has comprehensive go-kit lists for fire, flood, and snowstorms and an educational video in ASL and with captions.

The Arizona Department of Transportation has a “must have” list for every vehicle at, including blankets, flashlight, ice scraper, small shovel, container with sand or kitty litter for tire traction if a vehicle becomes stuck in icy conditions.

Prepare Your Home 

Residents – especially those in remote areas with limited road maintenance – should stock up on resources before the storm arrives. Along with many important household and health items, water, baby formula/food, animal food, and prescriptions are of particular importance.

Be prepared for potential power outages with generators and propane if needed. However, never use propane equipment inside for cooking or heating as it can be deadly.


Emergency Notifications from Coconino County

Coconino County Social Media

Coconino County Emergency Management or @coconinoem

Arizona Department of Transportation or @ArizonaDOT

National Weather Service or @NWSFlagstaff

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