FLAGSTAFF, Ariz – The City of Flagstaff and Coconino County invite residents to attend meetings of the Regional Plan Committee as the Committee begins reviewing draft chapters of the Flagstaff Regional Plan 2045. The first chapter to be reviewed focuses on natural resources, and the Committee will discuss the chapter on Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 6 p.m. at the City of Flagstaff Public Works Building (3200 W Route 66).
The Flagstaff Regional Plan 2045 sets high-level guidance for policy decisions over the next decade in the City of Flagstaff and surrounding areas of Coconino County. The Plan covers a wide range of topics and is especially relevant for future land-use and development decisions. Since 2021, City and County staff have hosted several public workshops, attended dozens of community meetings, worked with student groups, and sent thousands of mailers soliciting public input on the Plan. The feedback gathered through these efforts has shaped each chapter of the Plan.
The public is encouraged to get involved in this new stage of the plan creation process. This is your chance to see drafts of the Regional Plan and add your voice to the conversation. The Committee accepts written public comment in advance of each meeting, and there is also a more limited opportunity for spoken comment during meetings. The chapter reviews culminate in a 60-day public review period for the entire Plan anticipated in Fall 2024.
The Regional Plan Committee will meet once or twice per month through August 2024. The schedule for Regional Plan Committee Meetings, agendas, and videos of past Committee meetings are posted on the Regional Plan website (flagstaff.az.gov/RegionalPlan2045). All meetings will be held in person at the Public Works Building (3200 W Route 66), starting at 6 p.m. Attendees can also join virtually. The virtual meeting link can be found in each meeting agenda, which is posted to the website 5-7 days in advance of each meeting.
Submit public comment to Sara Dechter by email, mail, phone, or in person. Email to RegionalPlanCommittee@flagstaffaz.gov. Mail to: Flagstaff City Hall, Attn: Sara Dechter, 211 W Aspen Ave, Flagstaff, AZ 86001. Call (928) 213-2631.