FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — Since 2003, the Coconino County Health and Human Services (CCHHS) Injury Prevention Program, has enjoyed a successful partnership with the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety in promoting child passenger safety and occupant protection.
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among children ages 3 to 14. Research shows that as children age, they are less likely to be in the appropriate child safety seat for their age and weight. Fortunately, correctly used child safety seats are extremely effective and reduce the risk of injury and death as much as 71 percent for infants and 54 percent for toddlers. Children ages 4-8 using belt-positioning booster seats were 45 percent less likely to sustain injuries than similar aged kids who used seat belts alone.
Child Passenger Safety, which is the heart of the CCHHS Injury Prevention Program, teaches families how to safely transport their children. Certified child passenger safety technicians and instructors inspect child safety seats at several community events throughout the year and educate parents and caregivers.
The CCHHS Injury Prevention Program, with funding from the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, will reach the under-served areas in Coconino County to provide car seat safety education and participate in events to enhance the existing child safety program, materials, and supplies.
The grant from the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety in the amount of $23,458.00 was awarded this fiscal year. $21,138.00 will be spent on child passenger safety/occupant protection, with $2,320.00 allocated for pedestrian and bicycle safety.
For more information on the CCHHS Injury Prevention program, call 928-679-7262 or visit coconino.az.gov/hhs