UPDATE to Massive House Fire Near Flagstaff Thursday Night

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From Summit Fire Dept:

Courtesy of Summit FD

At approximately 9:20 pm last night, SFMD and Flagstaff Fire Departmentcrews were dispatched to the 7000 block of West Suzette Ln in Baderville for reports of a possible structure fire. Initially, 3 units and a Battalion Chief responded. Updated information from dispatch indicated the fire was spreading which prompted the BC to upgrade the assignment to a First Alarm, adding 3 additional fire units and another BC. Due to the location and sparse water sources, a Water Tender was also requested.

Initial arriving unit found heavy smoke showing from the back of the house. Crews began an exterior fire attack before moving interior to complete primary search and fire control. The fire was moving from the first floor to the second floor and into the attic.
Due to the amount of fire interior and structural integrity, the Incident Commander made the decision to change to a defensive fire operation. In addition to the fire, the winter storm condition added additional challenges to the entire scene.
The cause of the fire is under investigation by fire department investigators.
In all a total of 12 Fire units and roughly 36 from Summit, Flagstaff and Highlands Fire Districtwere on scene.
We’d like to thank Coconino County Sheriffs Office and Guardian Medical Transport for their support throughout the incident.
Stay safe and stay warm.

2/23/2023 9:15 PM Flagstaff fire department is sending several engines along with ccso to a home in the 7700 block of Suzette Lane in Baderville for a working first-alarm house fire. An outside stove fire got out of control and is now spread to the structure. Fire is reaching the second floor of the house. Evacuations are in progress and the caller is saying that all occupants are out of the house. UPDATE: Firefighters are attacking the fire now and have established an all-clear inside the home. UPDATE 2: Emergency tones have sounded. All firefighters are being ordered to exit the house due to extreme fire behavior. Switching to defensive fighting mode.

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