City of Flagstaff announces Beautification in Action grant opportunity for projects that enhance, revitalize public spaces

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FLAGSTAFF, Ariz – The City of Flagstaff’s Beautification, Arts and Sciences program invites artists, community members, community groups, schools and local businesses to apply for a Beautification in Action (BIA) grant. Applications will be accepted through Sept. 15 at 5 p.m. Up to $4,500 is available per project.

Projects that enliven and revitalize the urban environment can take the form of community gardens, neighborhood paths, benches, sculptures, murals and more. Priority will be given to community-initiated projects that provide a lasting impact—fostering cultural connections, strengthening neighborhood awareness and identity, and deepening how residents and visitors interact with the built environment. All projects must be publicly and visually accessible.

“The Beautification and Public Art Commission is proud to support these community initiated and community inclusive projects that enhance Flagstaff’s public spaces for the enjoyment of all,” said Jana Weldon, Program Manager for Beautification, Arts & Sciences. “We are thrilled with the continued diversity and scope of applications.”

BIA grants are funded by the City of Flagstaff’s Bed, Board and Beverage (BBB) tax. Eligible applicants are awarded through a competitive, biannual process each September and March.

For more information or to apply, visit

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