City awarded $19M federal grant for Butler Avenue and Fourth Street safety and multimodal improvements

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FLAGSTAFF, Ariz – The City of Flagstaff has been awarded a Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant from the US Department of Transportation for $19,000,000 for the construction of the Butler Avenue and Fourth Street safety and multimodal improvements project. This project will construct multimodal improvements along Butler Avenue from I-40 to Sinagua Heights Drive and Fourth Street from Sparrow Avenue to Crest Stone. The improvements include off-street bike lanes, ADA-compliant sidewalks, mid-block crossings, roadway widening and corridor access management solutions.

Flagstaff Mayor Becky Daggett said “This $19 million RAISE grant for Butler Avenue and Fourth Street Safety and Multimodal Improvements is critical to providing access and connectivity in the City. These improvements will provide new bike lanes and safety improvements around this heavily used corridor, ensure that Mountain Line transit has access to new areas that were previously inaccessible, and will allow for the construction of drainage improvements to mitigate flooding on these roads during monsoon events.”

Flagstaff City Engineer Paul Mood shared that “City staff, MetroPlan and our design firm Burgess & Niple did an excellent job of preparing the successful grant application. The RAISE Grant will help pay for a significant portion of the project that will bring much needed safety improvements as well as multi-modal opportunities to this corridor. The project is currently at the 30% design stage and staff intends to reengage with the community and businesses in the area now that funding is secured.”

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