The public is hereby notified that the Coconino County Elections Department will conduct the Logic and Accuracy (L&A) Tests of the ballots, tabulation equipment, program, and accessible voting equipment to be used for the July 30, 2024, Primary Election. The L&A Tests are mandated by Arizona law before each election and will be held at the Coconino County Elections Center, 1300 W. University Avenue, Suite 180, Flagstaff, Arizona.
The Arizona Secretary of State will start its L&A Test at 8:00 AM, Monday, June 24, 2024, and continue until the ballots and equipment used in Coconino County are fully tested. Immediately following the AZ Secretary of State’s test, the county will conduct its own L&A Test. The L&A Tests are open to the public and media.
For more information, please call the Elections Department at 928-679-7896