Coconino NF modifying prescribed fire plans to clear airshed

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FLAGSTAFF, Ariz., Nov. 6, 2023 – Coconino National Forest fire managers have modified prescribed fire plans for this week in order to clear the airshed and also take advantage of a specific wind forecast to keep smoke away from large powerlines during an important prescribed fire project.

Originally, the 3,000-acre Upper Beaver Creek Project 13 miles northwest of Clints Well was planned for today through Thursday, as well as the 1,742-acre Bar-M project south of Mormon Lake planned for Tuesday through Thursday. Those two projects have been planned for a later time when conditions are more appropriate.

A modified and smaller area of the Sawmill Project, located 2.5 miles southeast of Stoneman Lake, is planned for Wednesday due to optimal winds from the south/southwest that will transport the smoke north/northwest and keep smoke away from large powerlines, as well as Verde Valley.

Forecasted strong winds from the southwest today through Wednesday should help clear the airshed and improve air quality, especially for areas such as the Verde Valley.

Sawmill Project

  • When: Planned for Wednesday (Nov. 8). Ignitions typically being around 10 a.m. if conditions are appropriate.
  • Where: Mogollon Rim Ranger District. Approximately 17 miles northwest of Clints Well, 2.5 miles southeast of Stoneman Lake. GPS: 758259, -111.472926.
  • Why: This project will reduce hazardous forest fuels and return fire to the fire-dependent ecosystem, helping restore the forest to healthier conditions and reduce the possibility of catastrophic wildfires.
  • Size: Approximately 1,000 acres.
  • Duration: One day.
  • Method/Type of burn: This is a broadcast burn, with a mix of initial entry and maintenance.
  • Smoke Impacts: Winds are predicted to come from the south/southwest, pushing smoke toward the north/northeast through the day. Smoke will be noticeable to surrounding communities but none should be impacted.

Closures/Restrictions: There are no closures associated with this burn.

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