FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — The Coconino County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) is pleased to release its Justice Statistics dashboard. The dashboard is designed to provide Coconino County residents with a high-level overview of criminal justice system activity.
It was created through a collaborative effort between multiple Coconino County and City of Flagstaff agencies and will provide residents with important information on community safety, diversion programming, and the overall operation of their criminal justice system.
Residents will be able to view current data as well as long term trends in areas such as arrests, diversion program completion, Superior Court caseload, and successful probation completions, among others.
“This interactive dashboard will allow residents to view criminal justice trends across agencies and provide a system wide lens into criminal justice in Coconino County,” said CJCC Director Mike Jackiewicz.
The Justice Statistics dashboard is built on the same platform as the award-winning Equitable Economic Recovery dashboard and Interactive Emergency Map, and can be accessed at: https://www.coconino.az.gov/3258/Justice-Statistics.
“Public trust is essential in the criminal justice system. One of the ways we can increase trust is by showing our commitment to transparent governance through data sharing,” added Ammon Barker, Chief Deputy County Attorney and CJCC Community Engagement Committee Chair. “This type of information promotes accountability and highlights the great work our community justice partners are doing.”
The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council is a County-wide collaboration between county, municipal, and state criminal justice agencies and departments, treatment providers, administrative departments and concerned citizens to address issues and needs arising within the criminal justice system in Coconino County. The purpose of the CJCC is to study the juvenile and criminal justice systems in the County, identify areas for improvement, and formulate policy, plans and programs for change.