Excavation to begin for the Wedge Detention Basin Project

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FLAGSTAFF, Ariz – The City of Flagstaff and contractor, Eagle Mountain Construction, are set to begin excavation operations for The Wedge Detention Basin Project. These excavation operations will take place within the area of the construction yard, which will shrink as excavation continues. These excavation operations are the first part of detention basin construction, with the majority of construction taking place in the spring when temperatures are favorable. The Wedge Detention Basin is being constructed to hold excess stormwater run-off that would otherwise overwhelm the box culvert being installed along Linda Vista Drive. The basin is designed to fill with water, and then slowly release it back into the City’s stormwater management system when it is safe to do so.

The City is making progress on the Spruce Wash suite of projects, funded by Proposition 441. With the Grandview Drive Reconstruction Project recently completed, crews continue working on the Linda Vista Drive Crossing Project, Cedar Avenue to Linda Vista Drive Channel Project and The Wedge Detention Basin Project. Linda Vista Drive will continue to be closed to all vehicular traffic until spring 2025, with the closure area shifting slightly as needed. Pedestrian and bicyclist access will be maintained through the area during construction. Motorists are asked to follow the marked signage/detour to get to their destination.

The City appreciates your patience and cooperation as we work to complete these important flood mitigation projects. For questions and additional information, call the project hotline at 928-255-5153 or email info@museumfloodprojects.com. For more information and important resources, visit www.museumfloodprojects.com.



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