Missing Person Located Deceased in Wupatki National Monument

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On Saturday, October 29th, 2022 at 4:08 pm, Coconino County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to the Antelope Hills area along Hwy 89 for the report of a Trespass in Progress. When the Department of Public Safety Troopers arrived, the subject had left the area. Deputies and DPS Troopers were advised by witnesses the subject was last seen walking northbound on Hwy 89.
Deputies on scene were able to identify the individual as Conan Stults, a 46-year-old male out of Utah, through personal property left on scene. An extensive attempt to locate was conducted by Deputies and DPS with negative contact. After multiple hours of attempting to locate and Stults not returning to his vehicle, Coconino County Search and Rescue units were requested.
Search and Rescue efforts continued through the weekend into Monday. On Monday, October 31st, at approximately 11:36 am, a Coconino County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue dog team located Stults deceased within Wupatki National Monument, south of the Lomaki Pueblo area.
This incident remains under investigation by CCSO and the Coconino County Medical Examiner’s Office. The Coconino County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the Department of Public Safety, the Flagstaff Area National Monuments, and the Coconino County Medical Examiner’s Office for their assistance.

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