FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — Coconino County’s jail system is administered and operated through a Jail District (District) by the Coconino County Sheriff, who is delegated by Arizona Revised Statutes as keeper of the jail. The District is currently funded by a half-cent excise tax, which expires in 2027. The Coconino County Board of Supervisors serves as the Jail District Board of Directors.
On the upcoming General Election ballot, the District Board of Directors will ask Coconino County voters to extend the existing Jail District tax for maintaining and operating Coconino County jails for 25 years until 2052.
Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statues, Title 19, Section 124, Coconino County will prepare an informational pamphlet that will be mailed to all registered voters in the county prior to the General Election on November 8.
Coconino County requests arguments “For” and “Against” the ballot question for inclusion in the pamphlet. Each argument may not exceed 300 words and must include the original signature of the submitting party. If an argument is sponsored by an organization, it must be signed by two of the organization’s executive officers. If the argument is submitted by a political action committee (PAC), it must be signed by the committee’s chairman or treasurer. The person(s) signing the argument must provide their mailing address and phone number. This information will not be printed in the pamphlet.
Arguments may be submitted in writing and delivered by mail or in person to the Clerk of the Board’s Office, or digitally on a compact disc or USB drive. To meet the requirement for an original signature, digital submissions must be accompanied by a paper copy. Arguments may not be submitted via email or file transfer program. There is no fee to submit an argument.
To be considered for inclusion in the informational pamphlet, all arguments must be received by 5 p.m. (MST), Wednesday, August 10, 2022, in the Coconino County Clerk of the Board’s Office at 219 E Cherry Avenue, Flagstaff, AZ 86001. Interested parties with questions may call (928) 679-2145.