FLAGSTAFF, Ariz — Beginning on June 13, the City of Flagstaff will begin sealing recently paved roadway
segments at various locations throughout the community. The project will chip seal roadways including
High Country Trail, Blackbird Roost, Riordan Road, Grandview Drive, Walgreens Street, McCracken
Circle, Steve’s Blvd, Gemini Road, Latrobe Circle, La Costa Lane, La Quinta Way, and Harris Way and is
anticipated to conclude by June 20, weather permitting.
The public should anticipate traffic impacts near these locations for the duration of the work, including
temporary traffic restrictions, noise, and dust. The City will attempt to maintain access to businesses and
This work is part of the City’s 2023 Streets Maintenance Program and is funded by Proposition 406 –
Road Repair and Street Safety (RRSS) Initiative, a 20-year dedicated sales tax for road repair and street
safety projects approved by Flagstaff voters in 2014.
The City is committed to repairing and improving streets and roadways in Flagstaff. For additional
information regarding this or other projects associated with the RRSS improvements, visit the City’s
website at www.flagstaff.az.gov/roadsafety.