FLAGSTAFF, Ariz – Residents of the La Plaza Vieja and Southside neighborhoods are invited to attend the first Neighborhood Partnership Coalition (NPC) meeting on Thursday, Feb. 23, from 6 – 7:30 p.m. at the Murdoch Community Center. Hosted by the City of Flagstaff and Northern Arizona University, staff will share updates relevant to the two neighborhoods and engage in related discussions with attendees.
The NPC is comprised of residents, student leaders, business owners, community leaders, and city and university staff. The goal of the NPC is to emphasize communication and information exchange to proactively address issues that are of mutual concern to the groups represented in the coalition and the neighborhoods adjacent to campus.
Residents planning to attend should RSVP at bit.ly/NPCregistration no later than Monday, February 20. Please note that there is an opportunity within the link to share dietary needs, accommodations, or questions in advance of the meeting. Refreshments will be provided.