FLAGSTAFF, Ariz – Beginning on Jan. 1, 2025, the minimum wage in the City of Flagstaff will increase to $17.85 and $16.85 for tipped workers.
On Sept. 11, 2024, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released the consumer price index (CPI) numbers for August of 2024. The CPI for August 2024 was 2.5% greater than for August 2023. Accordingly, the minimum wage in the City of Flagstaff will increase to $17.85 per hour on Jan. 1, 2025.
On Nov. 8, 2016, the voters of Flagstaff wrote and passed The Minimum Wage Act (“the Act”) as a citizen’s initiative (Proposition 414). The Act, which is codified in Title 15 of the Flagstaff City Code, prescribes that beginning in January of 2023, the Flagstaff minimum wage shall be increased annually by the increase in the cost of living. Pursuant to the Act, “[t]he increase in the cost of living shall be measured by the percentage increase as of August of the immediately preceding year over the level as of August of the previous year of the consumer price index (all urban consumers, U.S. city average for all items)” (15-01-001-0003(B)). The increase shall be rounded to the nearest $0.05.
The Flagstaff minimum wage applies to all employees who work or are expected to work at least 25 hours within the city limits in a single calendar year. For provisions of the Act pertaining to tipped employees, please refer to section 15-01-001-0003(E) of the Flagstaff City Code.
Additional information and resources can also be found at flagstaff.az.gov/MinWage