PRESS RELEASE: Coconino County to Hold 18th Annual Sustainable Building Tour in October

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FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — Buildings are pieces of history, and each has a story to tell. That is the theme for this year’s Coconino County Sustainable Building Tour: The Stories Buildings Tell. The public is invited to join this year’s 18th annual Sustainable Building Tour, to be held on Saturday, October 1, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Part of the Flagstaff Festival of Science, this year’s tour will be held completely in person, the first time in three years, and showcases ten properties throughout the community. The property owners and homeowners who have been certified through the county’s Sustainable Building Program will share their stories; stories about the landscape, anecdotes on the process of building their home, and tales of living in and maintaining their unique properties.

One location on this year’s tour features a near net-zero, Habitat for Humanity Starter Home, built in part by Coconino Community College Construction Technology students. The Community College’s new Del Webb Construction Technology Lab on Fourth Street will also be on the tour. Another featured home is an electrification retrofit that eventually aims to achieve net-zero emissions.

Additionally, three local homes will demonstrate a variety of sustainable methods, materials, and technologies. Finally, two of the homes are off grid and the county is offering a vanpool option for carpooling to the outlying properties.

Free tour packets can be picked up at Willow Bend Environmental Education Center, also a sustainable building and tour location, the day of the event or online on the Coconino County Sustainable Building Program’s event webpage:

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