FLAGSTAFF, Ariz – Northern Arizona University and the City of Flagstaff are teaming up for the 5th Annual Community Welcome walk. On Wednesday, September 7, between 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., a small team of volunteers will be visiting homes in neighborhoods near the NAU campus. During the door-to-door “knock and talks” volunteers meet with local and student residents, share tips for safe and respectful living, and encourage neighbors to get to know one another. Community Welcome aims to improve relations between local and student residents renting rooms and homes in the historic La Plaza Vieja and Southside Neighborhoods.
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer for Community Welcome, please contact Program Manager for Off-Campus Life and Neighborhood Liaison, Valeria Chase at valeria.chase@flagstaffaz.gov, call 928-326-6908, or visit nau.edu/communitywelcome.
El miércoles 7 de septiembre, un pequeño equipo de voluntarios visitarán hogares en vecindarios cercanos al campus de NAU. Los voluntarios hablarán con ambos residentes locales y estudiantes, compartirán información para mantener una sana y respetuosa convivencia entre vecinos, y animarlos a iniciar nuevas interacciones. Community Welcome tiene como objetivo mejorar las relaciones entre los residentes locales y los estudiantes que alquilan habitaciones y casas en las vecindades históricas como La Plaza Vieja y Southside.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o desea ser voluntario para Community Welcome, comuníquese con Valeria Chase por correo electrónico valeria.chase@flagstaffaz.gov, llame al (928) 326-6908, o visite nau.edu/communitywelcome