PRESS RELEASE | County Parks and Recreation Seeks Public Input on Fort Tuthill Master Plan

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FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — Coconino County Parks and Recreation (CCPR) will be updating the Fort Tuthill County Park Master Plan in the coming months and the County is seeking the public’s input. The master plan update will compile recommendations for how Fort Tuthill County Park can be actively managed over the next 10 years to meet the changing needs of Coconino County residents. The community is invited to participate in the update by taking an online survey, attending a community-wide meeting about the master planning process, and participating in design meetings.

County residents are invited to take an online survey that asks questions about current uses of Fort Tuthill County Park, values for guiding future management decisions, and recommendations for changes that may affect the park over the next ten years. The survey takes about 5 minutes to complete. The deadline for completing the survey is October 1, 2024.

County residents are also invited to attend an open community meeting to learn more about the master plan update and express preferences about the future of Fort Tuthill County Park. The meeting will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2024 from 1 – 3 p.m. at Fort Tuthill County Park, Home Economics Building, #15, on the historic quad – 2246 Fort Tuthill Loop, Flagstaff, AZ, 86004.

“Fort Tuthill County Park is the jewel of the Coconino County parks and recreation system. We hope that many of those who have an interest in this park will attend the public meeting and complete the online survey so that they can have a voice in the future of Fort Tuthill County Park,” said Cynthia Nemeth, County Parks and Recreation Director. “We want to hear from as many people as possible. The more people who participate, the stronger the master plan update will be.”

The community meeting will be followed in October by design meetings hosted by Wheat Design Group, a landscape architecture firm. Wheat Design Group has been asked to help map the future physical layout of Fort Tuthill County Park in view of community preferences. The times and locations of the design meetings will be announced in September.

Coconino County has commissioned GlobaLocal Vision, a local social research firm co-directed by Dr. Fred Solop and Dr. Nancy Wonders, to oversee a master plan update for Fort Tuthill County Park. Questions about the Fort Tuthill Master Plan Update can be addressed to GlobaLocal Vision at (928) 275-1680 or emailed to

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