Coconino County Elections has been preparing to make Election Day, November 8, a positive experience for voters. More than 400 Election Board Workers – also known as poll workers – have been trained to manage the County’s 45 polling locations and three Vote Centers.
Polling Locations and Vote Centers
All polling locations and Vote Centers will be open on November 8, 2022, from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Each household in Coconino County with registered voters received a sample ballot in the mail in October. The ballot indicates the designated polling location for that address.
Alternatively, all Coconino County voters are welcome to vote at one of the following Voting Centers, also open 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on November 8.
- Flagstaff Mall – 4650 N US Highway 89, Flagstaff
- NAU Walkup Skydome, East Concourse – 1705 S San Francisco St, Flagstaff
- Warrior Pavilion Tuba City High School – 67 Warrior Dr, Tuba City
Voters may bring a sample ballot to their polling location to use as a guide, but it cannot be used as an official ballot.
Free Public Transportation on Election Day
Mountain Line buses will be fare-free all day on November 8 giving all voters the opportunity to access polling locations. Riders will not need to show proof of voting. Mountain Line is the transit agency in northern Arizona operating fixed route bus service on nine routes, paratransit service, vanpool, and seasonal Mountain Express service to Arizona Snowbowl.
Accessible Voting Devices
Coconino County Elections Vote Centers and polling locations provide accessible voting devices for voters that need visual, hearing, or language assistance in Spanish, Navajo, Hopi, and English. More information about accessible voting is the Arizona Secretary of State website.
Identification Requirements
Voters must present sufficient personal identification to an election official. There are several types of identification that will be accepted. If you do not have the required identification, you will not be issued a regular ballot.
Write-In Candidates
This year, there are more write-in candidates than usual. Write-in candidate names are posted on the County Elections webpage and will be posted at each polling location. Voters casting a ballot for a write-in candidate must print the full name in the space provided on the ballot and also fill in the bubble on the left of the ballot. When voting for a write-in candidate, be sure to print their full name on the write-in line of the ballot AND fill in the bubble to the left of the line.
Live Ballot Counting Video Feed
Live video from the Coconino County Central Tabulation Room is streamed on the County Elections webpages at bit.ly/TabulationVideo. By state statute, access to the Tabulation Room is restricted to elections staff and bi-partisan Counting Board Members that are trained and have passed security clearances.
Learn about the Candidates and Issues
To learn more about the candidates and issues on the ballot, voters can access the Arizona Voter Education Guide in English and Spanish to be prepared for voting.
More Information
Polling Locations and Vote Centers
Mountain Line Fare-Free on Nov. 8
Accessibility Voting
Voter Identification Requirements
Write-In Candidates
Live Ballot Counting Video Feed
Voter Education Guide (English)
Voter Education Guide (Spanish)
Coconino County Elections Department
(928) 679-7896
Native American Elections Outreach
(928) 283-6144