PRESS RELEASE | More Than $8 Million Awarded to Coconino County Education Service Agency to Fund Six Projects

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FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Cheryl Mango-Paget is pleased to announce that the Coconino County Education Service Agency (CCESA) in partnership with Yavapai County Education Service Agency (YCESA), was awarded six grants totaling more than $8.3 million from the Arizona Department of Education.

The six grants awarded in Coconino and Yavapai counties support elementary and secondary schools’ programs and services benefiting children, families, and the teaching community in Coconino County. The grant funding will enhance K-5 literacy programs; early childhood STEM education and literacy development; mental wellness in K-12 schools; retention of educators through the development of mentorship programs; and further development of the “Grow Your Own Pathways” program to support non-certified staff and high school students in their pursuit of careers in education.

To make these and other grants available, the Arizona Department of Education set aside funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021. The awardee applications went through a rigorous state procurement process. All funded projects share the goal of supporting schools, students, educators, and families as they recover from the effects of the pandemic.

Following are details about each grant.

The Literacy Grant supports the Coconino County Education Service Agency’s efforts to increase and support literacy achievement among K-5 students. The award also addresses recent legislation requiring all educators who provide literacy instruction in kindergarten through grade five to have 90 hours of training in the science of reading.

The Recovering Education through Contextualizing Mathematics and Science Learning Grant for Coconino schools addresses the impacts of learning loss due to COVID-19 by providing learning in school garden-based settings.

The Regional Induction Service Network Teacher Retention Grant addresses the high rates of teacher attrition in Northern Arizona by providing a targeted mentorship service program for new and inexperienced teachers.

The Nursing Shared Services Grant fills the very high demand for school nurses in Coconino and Yavapai counties by utilizing traveling nurses to deliver services to students at school.

The Teacherages Grant supports schools in Coconino and Yavapai communities to develop a solution to the housing challenges and provides start-up funding for teacher housing. A teacherage is a residence provided for teachers. 

The Mental Health Initiative Grant focuses on the impact of mental health on student and staff wellbeing. The Coconino County and Yavapai County Education Service Agencies will work with school leaders to implement the Mental Health Initiative by providing access to mental health services in schools.

Through these grants and others, the Coconino County Education Service Agency can fulfill its mission of elevating educator efficacy, increasing student success, and advancing equitable opportunities through school and community outreach partnerships.

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