Press Release – Recycle your Christmas tree this January through the City’s treecycling program

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FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. – The City of Flagstaff is proud to provide a treecycling service during the month of January to assist with the proper recycling of Christmas trees. Collected trees will be mulched and used in City landscaping projects or as alternative daily cover at the Cinder Lake landfill.

Curbside pick-up will be provided by the City’s Solid Waste Collections program to single-family households located within City limits that regularly receive bulky waste collection service from Jan. 2 through Jan. 12 (pending weather conditions). Trees must be placed on the curb by 6 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 2.

Residents without city-provided trash service or those living in multifamily housing can also participate in the program by bringing their trees to one of the drop-off locations open from Jan. 2 – 31:

  • Thorpe Park Annex 419 N. Mogollon St
  • Continental Little League Field – 5700 E. Old Walnut Canyon Rd
  • Jay Lively Activity Center – 1650 N Turquoise Dr
  • NEW: Recycling Transfer Facility: 1800 E. Butler Ave. (limited hours, M-F: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.)

Please remove all lights, tinsel, and ornaments in advance. Only real trees will be accepted.Learn more at If you have any questions about the program, please contact Solid Waste Solutions at (928) 213-2110 or

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