Flagstaff, AZ – Coconino County voters will see a long 19-inch ballot this November, and City of Page precincts 72, 73, 74, and 54 will see a two-page, four-sided ballot for the first time in the county’s history. The ballot will include federal, state, county and local races for elected office, and state propositions on the front side and propositions by citizens petitions, or referrals from the state legislature and local jurisdictions on the back side of the ballot. There is a minimum of 14 propositions on every ballot
These changes to the ballot in 2024 may result in longer wait times at polling places and more time in the booth to vote. County elections officials encourage voters to prepare ahead of time and consider all available voting options to cast their ballot.
Coconino County is making several resources available to the public at coconino.az.gov/elections. Those include information on the candidates and propositions, a calendar of important dates leading up to the election, early voting and vote by mail opportunities, and tips on how to plan for the novel 19-inch and 2-page ballot. For up-to- date information on elections in Coconino County, visit coconino.az.gov/elections, or follow us on X and Instagram at @coconinovote.
Election officials are encouraging voters to “Understand and Make a Plan” for the upcoming general election by taking the following steps:
1.Register to vote. Visit Arizona.Vote! If you’re already registered, make sure your information is up to date at My.Arizona.Vote. The last day to register is October 7,2024.
2.Make your plan to vote. Take advantage of all voting options in Arizona, by mail or in-person, voters should make their plans ahead of Election Day. Coconino County offers 38 polling locations throughout the county including 15 vote centers where all voters can cast a ballot. Non-vote center sites are precinct-specific, but voters outside of precinct can still vote at them using the Express Vote devices at all polling locations.
3.Discover what’s on your ballot. Research the candidates and issues by reviewing Coconino County’s sample ballot, and knowing how you will vote beforehand will save time.
4.Vote your ballot. (Page voters – Vote both pages) Review your ballot when you are finished to ensure you voted on all the items you want and return both pages if you are a city of Page voter.
Contact the Coconino County Recorder’s office at 928-679-7860 for information regarding voter registration or mailed ballots.
Contact the Coconino County Election Department at 928-678-7896 for all other election inquiries.