FLAGSTAFF, Ariz – Due to heavy snowfall and related accessibility issues, the City of Flagstaff’s Solid Waste section canceled all trash and recycling collection services for Tuesday, Jan. 17.
Residential collection service updates:
- Residential trash collection services are anticipated to resume Wednesday morning, Jan. 18 and will remain on a delayed schedule for the reminder of the week.
- All residential recycling and bulky waste collection will be suspended for the remainder of the week to allow crews to catch up with residential trash collection.
- Residential recycling and bulky waste collection services will resume next week.
- Residents are asked to wait to place their carts out for service until 6 a.m. Wednesday morning to allow for more efficient snow-clearing operations overnight.
- Please place residential carts in front of snow berms on plowed streets or at the end of cleared driveways at the curb to facilitate access. Carts placed on or behind snow berms will not be serviced due to accessibility issues.
Commercial collection service updates:
- Commercial trash and recycling collection services are anticipated to resume Wednesday morning, Jan. 18.
- Businesses with metal bins are asked to clear the front of their containers and enclosure gates to ensure serviceability. City trucks require 14 feet of clearance width to access metal bins.
Any areas that were not serviced prior to the temporary suspensions will be serviced as soon as they are accessible. To report missed containers, please email solidwastesolutions@flagstaffaz.gov or call 928-213-2110.
The Cinder Lake Landfill and Hazardous Products Center remains open during normal hours of operations.
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