FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — At their regular meeting on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, the Coconino County Board of Supervisors (Board) unanimously approved a resolution recognizing a 21-mile portion of Lake Mary Road as a recreational corridor.
Resolution 2024-10 identifies the northern portion of Lake Mary Road between milepost 338.5 (Flagstaff City Limits) and milepost 317.5 (South Mormon Lake Entrance) as a “Recreational Corridor.” The purpose of this resolution is to promote safety and awareness among the multitude of bikers, runners, and recreationists who frequently use this area.
“The safety of everyone who uses Lake Mary Road remains a top priority for County leadership and for our community,” said Jeronimo Vasquez, Chair of the Board of Supervisors. “We would like to thank all of the stakeholders who participated in the process that helped make this resolution a reality.”
The resolution is the result of several months of conversation between Coconino County staff and local stakeholders, including running and bicycle groups, regarding the lack of awareness to the many recreational activities that take place on Lake Mary Road. Using this information, the Coconino County Public Works Department (CCPW) created a comprehensive improvement plan to help advance safety and awareness on Lake Mary Road.
Immediate action items in Public Works’ safety improvement plan include a robust sign program identifying the “Recreational Corridor” and encouraging users of the forest highway to “Share the Road.” Other items include installation of centerline rumble strips on the road and increased roadway shoulder sweeping during peak recreational seasons. CCPW representatives also met with the Coconino County Sheriff’s to share stakeholder concerns and request a higher patrol and enforcement presence along the road.
Long-term goals for Lake Mary Road include capital road improvement projects and installation of separated multi-use pathways to make the corridor even safer for motorists and recreational users. According to Public Works Director Christopher Tressler, Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) grants could play an important role in funding these improvements.
“As a vital economic generator and high-use recreational corridor providing public access to federal lands, Lake Mary Road meets the primary criteria for FLAP grants,” said Tressler. “Since 2012 we’ve invested over $26 million in County match and FLAP grant funds for Lake Mary Road-area projects that include roadway reconstruction and widening shoulders for multimodal use. These projects improve safety and enhance access to forest lands for athletes and outdoor enthusiasts alike.”
At an elevation of 7,000 feet, Lake Mary Road is already internationally renowned as a high-altitude training mecca for Olympic-caliber athletes, especially swimmers, cyclists, and runners. This resolution translates to more recreational revenue-generating opportunities for the County.
“Recognizing Lake Mary Road as a recreational destination unto itself instead of just a throughway makes good economic sense,” said Vice-Chair Judy Begay, whose District 4 currently includes Lake Mary Road. “This resolution will help to enhance commerce and tourism by making the corridor safer for athletes, outdoor enthusiasts, motorists, and for major athletic events like cycling races and triathlons. It’s a win-win for everyone.”