FLAGSTAFF, Ariz – The City of Flagstaff is hosting an informational meeting for the Switzer Canyon Waterline – Phase IV project on Wednesday, June 28 from 5:30 – 7 p.m. at the Elks Lodge (2101 N San Francisco St). Members of the public are invited to learn about the project, its expected impacts and to ask questions.
Starting in 2012, the City began replacing a 1950’s transmission main in Switzer Canyon in phases to increase reliability and reduce service interruptions in the City’s water system. Three of five planned phases have been completed. The Switzer Canyon Waterline-Phase IV project is comprised of the installation of two new water transmission mains, new fire hydrants, and relocating the service connection for the Elks Lodge to the distribution main in Fir Avenue. The Project includes rigorous protection and restoration of land in Switzer Canyon that is affected by construction. Construction is scheduled to begin in the summer of 2023, with completion anticipated in 2024.
Spanish interpretation will be available at the meeting.
Visit flagstaff.az.gov/4871/Switzer-Canyon-Waterline-Phase-IV to learn more. For related questions, please contact Jeremy DeGeyter, City of Flagstaff Senior Lead Project Manager at JDeGeyter@flagstaffaz.gov.
Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate persons with disabilities desiring to attend the meeting. If you need assistance, please email sarah.langley@flagstaffaz.gov.