Community Health Needs Assessment Published

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FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. – Coconino County Health and Human Services (CCHHS) published the 2024 Coconino County Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) on March 5, 2024.

The chna is a comprehensive evaluation, conducted every three years, to gain a deep understanding of the health status, risk factors, causes and concerns of poverty in our communities and available resources within Coconino County. ​​The main goals of this assessment are to​ understand community health; identify health disparities; create a path for improvement​; and reduce barriers​.

CCHHS is a Community Action Agency and is tasked by the federal government to investigate poverty in our communities. As part of the CHNA process, CCHHS conducted surveys to learn about the experiences of our community members. Partner agencies were also asked to distribute the survey to provide an extensive reach. In addition, a service provider survey was conducted to hear directly from those who work with communities and clients.

CCHHS gathered and analyzed the data, and the Coconino County Community Action Advisory Board (CAAB) identified the most pressing community needs and assets based on the available data. The top priorities identified by the CAAB are:

  • Housing
  • Food & Nutritional Security
  • Behavioral Health
  • Transportation

CCHHS will continue working with the community to conduct focus groups throughout the County to explore the top health priorities and to identify strategies and approaches. This next phase of work will become the updated Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) and will expand upon the existing 2022-2026 CHIP, as well as designate health priorities into categories for further action, including: policy, coalitions, public messaging/awareness, and actions.

To view the complete CHNA and supporting documentation, please visit

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