FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — Coconino County Superintendent of Schools, Cheryl Mango-Paget, extends her heartfelt congratulations to the outstanding educators selected as finalists for the prestigious Coconino County Teacher of the Year and Coconino County Rookie Teacher of the Year awards.
The winner in each category will be revealed at the 11th annual Coconino County Teacher of the Year Awards event on Thursday, April 25, 2024, commencing at 5 p.m. at the High Country Conference Center.
Distinguished Teacher of the Year Finalists include:
- Jodian Brown, Desert View Intermediate School
- Jeremiah Smith, Coconino High School
- Sydney Wade, Mount Elden Middle School
Rookie Teacher of the Year Finalists:
- Emily Cartwright, Marshall Magnet Elementary School
- Noah Cordova, Ponderosa High School
- Kylie Haidet, Knoles Elementary School
- Lauren Kimsey, DeMiguel Elementary School
- Madison O’Brien, Puente De Hozho Elementary School
The Coconino County Teacher of the Year event stands as a county-wide celebration, honoring the exceptional contributions of state-accredited teachers from Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade. This year, a remarkable total of 36 teachers were nominated for the Teacher of the Year category, and 12 inspiring rookie teachers were nominated for the Rookie Teacher of the Year category.
At the awards ceremony, the Coconino County Teacher of the Year, Coconino County Rookie Teacher of the Year, and the Ambassadors for Excellence (runners-up) will be acknowledged. Each finalist will be awarded cash prizes, automatic nomination for the Arizona Teacher of the Year Award, and various other accolades. The Coconino County Teacher of the Year will also be presented with a one-year leased vehicle, generously provided by Flagstaff Findlay Toyota. Lifetime Achievement recipients will also be recognized for their exemplary contributions to education at the event and receive cash awards. This prestigious award is chosen at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools and is a surprise announcement made at the Teacher of the Year Event in April 2024.
This remarkable event is made possible through the support and sponsorship of dedicated businesses and community members. We express our deepest gratitude to our Lead Recognition sponsor and Teacher of the Year Sponsor, Findlay Toyota, as well as Rookie Teacher of the Year Sponsor APS, and Lifetime Achievement Award Sponsor Coconino County Board of Supervisors. We are also grateful for the contributions of our Honor Society level and above sponsors, including NARBHA, Stone Canyon Media, Coconino Community College, NAU College of Education, and CAVIAT. A complete list of sponsors can be found at https://coconino.az.gov/3154/Coconino-County-Teacher-of-the-Year.