The Coconino County Flood Control District will hold another virtual meeting this evening at 6:30 p.m. to provide the Schultz/Pipeline Flood Area (Timberline, Wupatki Trails, Fernwood and Doney Park neighborhoods) with the updated flood risk modeling results and to review the flood mitigation efforts underway.
The District’s hydrology consultant, J.E. Fuller Hydrology, will share the most recent updates to the flood risk maps based upon the burn severity map produced by the Burned Area Emergency Response team. The flood risk maps show the watersheds most affected by the Pipeline Fire and show the depth of flooding expected in the downstream neighborhoods.
Presenters will also reiterate the District’s ongoing flood mitigation efforts in neighborhoods that now find themselves facing potentially damaging and hazardous conditions. The District will review exhibits indicating the Recommended Mitigation Measures for individual properties identified by engineers as being at-risk, as well as provide resources for property owners to begin their own mitigation efforts and secure flood insurance. The Recommended Mitigation Exhibits are available to the public via the District’s website: https://www.coconino.az.gov/2926/SchultzPipeline-Flood-Area
The Flood Control District will stream the virtual meeting live via the Zoom teleconferencing platform. Residents are encouraged to participate via this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83988772213.
A video recording of the meeting will also be archived at the District’s website. Members of the public wishing to submit questions may email pipelinefirefloodarea@coconino.az.gov.
The Coconino County Flood Control District is charged with reducing the risk of flood loss, minimizing the impact of floods on human safety, health and welfare and restoring and preserving the natural and beneficial values served by floodplains. More information can be found online: https://coconino.az.gov/1450/Flood-Control-District