Hit and Run Collision (P2211327)
FLAGSTAFF, Az. – On the 23rd of August, 2022, at approximately 8:30 PM, the truck (attached) was involved in a hit-and-run collision with a motorcycle, near the intersection of S Milton Rd / Mikes Pike St in Flagstaff. The motorcyclist sustained injuries from the collision and was transported to the Flagstaff Medical Center for treatment.
The truck is described as a white in color, 2-door Toyota Tacoma with a camper shell on the back. The vehicle was last seen turning West onto Tucson Avenue and into the Plaza Vieja neighborhood of Flagstaff.
Please contact Det. Joseph Gilbert by phone at (928) 679-4120 or by email at jdgilbert@flagstaffaz.gov with any information related to the truck or this collision.

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