FLAGSTAFF, Ariz – The City of Flagstaff is happy to announce that the Schultz Creek Sediment and Flood Mitigation Detention Basins are complete and functional. The basins were completed incredibly quickly, with the project being designed, planned, bid and constructed in less than three months, including significant rain delays.
The dedication and hard work of the City’s Stormwater and Public Works divisions, as well as the expertise of Shephard Wesnitzner, Inc, and the commitment of Fann Contracting made such a swift delivery possible. The project was delivered with $2.4M in funding from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Emergency Watershed Protection Program and a match of over $700,000 from the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management.
During a rain event, water and debris from the Pipeline Fire burn scar enter the city just north of the Coconino Estates neighborhood. The Schultz Creek watershed will now flow into the detention basins, which can hold over 56-acre feet of water. An image of the basins can be viewed here.
It is important to note that the basins will drain over a 24-hour period. The risk of post-wildfire flooding in neighborhoods downstream of the detention basins remains. Water draining from the basins will follow its natural path and drain towards the main channel of the Rio de Flag. During a large rain event over the burn scar, the basins could be overwhelmed. Residents in the area are encouraged to keep their temporary mitigations, such as sandbags, in place.