FLAGSTAFF, Ariz – As part of the Spruce Wash Improvements Projects, a full road closure will be required on E Linda Vista Drive between N Paradise Road and N Adrianne Way for the Linda Vista Crossing Project. Access will be maintained through the closure for emergency vehicles, bikes, pedestrians. This closure will be in effect from March 2024 into spring 2025 and will allow for crews to remove and replace the existing culverts that cross E Linda Vista Drive. The City will also be removing and replacing sections of water and sewer mains and installing new storm drains within the roadway.
The second phase of the Grandview Drive Reconstruction Project, the roadway phase, also part of the Spruce Wash Improvements Projects, will also start in March 2024. This project will entail full street reconstruction, including new curbs, gutters, and inverted asphalt pavement roadway along N Grandview Drive. This work is anticipated to be complete in summer 2024. During this time period, N Grandview Drive will be closed to thru traffic, with access for local traffic only throughout construction. Residential access for mail, deliveries, trash, recycling and emergency services will be maintained throughout construction. The City asks residents to avoid on-street parking while construction is underway.
To construct the new concrete curb and gutter, crews will be removing the sandbags and flood mitigation measures along the roadway edge of N Grandview Drive. Property owners and tenants are advised to install new or move their existing flood mitigation measures closer to the home for continued protection. Please note that residents are not advised to fully remove any flood mitigation measures. Future messaging regarding recommended sandbags and short-term mitigation for the upcoming monsoon season will be provided as it becomes available.
For questions and additional project information, call the Project Hotline at 928-255-5153. For more information on the Spruce Wash Improvement Projects, please visit museumfloodprojects.com. To receive weekly project updates, email a request to info@museumfloodprojects.com.