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9:47 AM Ponderosa FD is saying they have a confirmed working fire in the area of 172 N. Spitz Springs Rd. A smoke column can be seen from I-40 and the fire drone is showing at least 1 acre on fire near the residence. Multiple resources are being called to this incident. This fire is separate from the earlier 45 acre fire south of this location that broke out early this morning. This page will auto-refresh with updates as we hear them.
9:52 AM: Sherwood FD is walking around the fire. Drone IR camera is showing roughly 1 acre on fire with a slow rate of growth. Water tenders from Camp Navajo and High Country FD are now responding as well.
9:57 AM: Ponderosa FD is on scene. Williams FD is also now responding. The exact location has been updated on the map below. The fire is pushing AWAY from the neighborhood.
10:01 AM: Incident command has been established. This fire is being called the Spitz Fire.
10:31 AM: IC is reporting that the forward spread of the fire has been stopped.
12:09 AM: Fire has been turned over the KNF. Fire name has been changed to Stump Fire.

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