City hosts informational meeting on water rate study

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FLAGSTAFF, Ariz – The City of Flagstaff is hosting an informational meeting about the current drinking water, wastewater, and reclaimed water rate study on Monday, April 8 from 5:30 – 7 p.m. at the East Flagstaff Community Library (3000 N Fourth St). The meeting will be a drop-in style event where attendees can learn more about the rate study and see how proposed rate changes will affect their water bill. Attendees can also ask questions of City staff and provide feedback.

The City uses funding generated by water rates and fees to provide high-quality water for customers, develop and maintain reliable sources of water, maintain and replace aging water infrastructure, reclaim water for other uses, and fulfill regulatory requirements.

Flagstaff has seen rising costs due to inflation and cost escalation for materials needed to provide water services. These rising costs have been absorbed by delaying critical projects and putting off maintenance, but this is not sustainable in the long run. To adequately fund its operations and maintenance programs, capital programs and long-term water security, the City is conducting this rate study to ensure that water rates and fees cover the cost of services.

Examples of projects to be funded by water rates include replacing aging underground water lines, maintaining or replacing aging components of the City’s wastewater treatment plants, and equipment upgrades for the City’s drinking water wells. Additional funds from rates will also help large capital projects, like rehabilitation of the 1960s sedimentation basins at the Lake Mary Treatment Plant, reach completion.

For more information about the rate study, please visit Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate persons with disabilities desiring to attend the meeting.

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