7/14 2022 4PM:
The Casner Fire, located north of Beaver Creek Wilderness and reported Tuesday, is 90 percent contained following heavy rains and thunderstorms in the area.
While the fire has experienced no growth since Tuesday, the updated acreage for the fire is 301 acres. The increase in acreage is due to more accurate mapping conducted by a perimeter walk rather than an aerial estimation.
Today’s resources included one Hotshot crew, one hand crew and one engine. Crews spent the day securing the fire’s perimeter.
The fire was reported at 10:55 a.m. July 12. It was caused by lightning.
This is the final update for the Casner Fire.
7/13/2020 10:15 AM:
The Casner Fire is now 50 percent contained at roughly 75 acres following a day of rain and suppression efforts.
The fire, which originated north of Beaver Creek Wilderness (GPS coordinates: 34°41’18.4″N 111°39’28.4″W) is currently staffed by two engines, one Hotshot crew and one hand crew.
Fire behavior is minimal with smoldering within the perimeter and there is no visible smoke impact.
Yesterday’s aerial retardant drops and bucket drops — as well as significant rainfall — aided ground operations.
Crews will continue to secure the fire’s perimeter.
The fire was reported at 10:55 a.m. July 12. It was caused by lightning.
7/12/2020 2pm:
Resources are responding to the 70-plus acre Casner Fire, located north of Beaver Creek Wilderness (GPS coordinates: 34°41’18.4″N 111°39’28.4″W).
Resources on scene include air attack, two Type 1 helicopters, two single-engine air tankers, two large air tankers, one engine, two Hotshot crews and a fuels crew.
The fire is currently moving in a north/northeast direction.
No structures are threatened at this time.
Scattered thunderstorms in the area are causing erratic winds which will affect fire behavior and direction, as well as air and ground resources. There is a 50 percent chance of precipitation in the area over the next few hours.
Smoke is dissipating rapidly, but impact may be felt at night as it settles into the Verde Valley, depending on wind direction.
The fire was reported at 10:55 a.m. and its cause is under investigation.
Firefighters with the US Forest Service are working to contain a wildfire south of Stoneman Lake Tuesday afternoon. The fire was reported around 11am and was at roughly 1 acre at that time. As of 1pm, more resources are being called and an incident command has been set up. So far, no structures are threatened, and the growth and rate of spread have not been updated yet. The fire has been named the Casner Fire